Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo Grand Finale

Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo Grand Finale - Hello. How are you? I hope your day be a lucky and spend the day with very happy. one more thing that will mebuat you happy today. Triunfo del Amor Capitulo the Grand Finale. we can not deny, the long journey beloved telenovela is very long, I remember when Victoria Gutierrez de Sandoval (Victoria Ruffo) was introduced in early novella, as a young woman interested in Juan Pablo Montejo de Iturbide (Diego Olivera) who is a priest and child future Octavio dedicated Iturbide (Eduardo Santamarina). and a few moments Maximiliano appears, all unforgettable. and today is the last story. do not let you miss it, Triunfo del Amor Capitulo Grand Finale.

This My Grand Finale Review :
Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo Grand Finale : Since before the novela began, Osvaldo convinced everyone that Leonela Montenegro (his first wife and Max's biological mother) (Monica Ayos), was dead but she was actually in jail, serving time for killing her lover. She returns with a vengence after so many years after Osvaldo 'abandoned' her in jail and tends to get it by seperating him from Max by telling him that Guillermo is his actual father. Not long afterwards Guillermo reveals to Max that Osvaldo is actually his brother. Enraged Max confronts Ximena who is working at Casa Bernarda under the condition that she go for psychiatic treatment, confirms Guillermo's accusations.

Meanwhile Victoria finds out that she has breast cancer. She and Antionetta decide not to tell anybody. That same day Max comes to her with news that he will be marrying Maria and this time, after realizing that life is too short, Victoria gives them her blessing. A few days pass and finally she is sent to surgery. Her family, except her, Antioneta and Juan Pablo, have no knowledge of her breast cancer and that the surgery is to resolve her cancer and give her brief goodbyes before she enters surgery. The surgery goes well and Victoria is placed under supervision. Bernarda later shows up however after promising her son that she'd confess to Victoria who her daughter is if only to clear her concious. While Victoria is sedated she whispers to her that she knows who her daughter is and tells her her name 'Maria Desamparda'. When Victoria awakes, she thinks it's a dream but later on it's actually confirmed that Maria is her daughter.

Afterwards, Victoria and Maria, who after a great series of tests, are finally reunited. When Victoria's life is in danger, Maria finally realizes that there is no greater pain than losing a mother for a second time. Only then is it possible that between mother and daughter, and the true love of Maria and Max, love triumphs (Triunfo del Amor).